Fundraising for any charity can be difficult. It can put your organization in a difficult spot, especially if you truly need this funding to get you off the ground and actually start to make waves in your community. 

Therefore, you are going to need to make sure that you are not only making decisions about fundraising that are fitting to your charity and your donors, but you are also going to need to make sure that it is both cost-effective and efficient. 

Thankfully, there are many ways that you can achieve effective fundraising for your charity, especially if you start with these three suggestions. 

1. Use a lottery

Lotteries are convenient for all, and they are already a success with a huge number of charities. You will find that because your potential donors are familiar with a lottery system, and how easy it is for them to participate, they are more likely to contribute. Lotteries are a great way to get in regular amounts from your donors, and with services such as a managed charity lottery service, you will find that handling them and working out pricing is so much easier than you might have first thought. It is a great place to start off your fundraising campaign, and it also gives a little back to your donors, which keeps them giving for months or years to come. 

2. Try a GoFundMe page 

There is a huge community and backing on the GoFundMe website, and if done correctly, you might find that it is a great way to get a passive income of sorts for your charity. By writing up your cause, and putting your cause out there on social media to prove its legitimacy, you will find that there is potentially a huge number of people wanting to contribute to your charity. This can be a great asset, regardless of how much money you make, as someone could find it at any time and give any amount of money to help your charity thrive, at their own convenience.

3. Hold fundraising events 

Holding events for your long-running or most generous donors can be a great idea. You might also find that holding these events (small fairs and jumble sales, for example) can help your charity to become more visible to the public. Not only can you use this as an advertising scheme to build awareness about your cause, but you can also use it to get a little extra funding in the short term. 

Whether it is running a pub quiz night, a bingo night for the over sixties, or a small Easter fair at the town hall, there are so many ways in which you can bring in a little extra money for your charity. This, coupled with a strong online presence (and a good baseline donor scheme, such as a lottery system) means you can have a better-funded charity, and that you’ll finally start to achieve what you set out to do—and bring even more awareness to your organization’s cause.