By Jessica Sepel

Here are six great techniques you can incorporate into your relationship (new or old!) to stay healthy and avoid the dreaded relationship weight gain.

1. Exercise together

Working out is a natural mood and libido booster. What more motivation do you need?

2. Treat yourself once a week to a date night

Enjoy dinner with your partner and indulge together. Maintain your healthy routine for the remainder of the week, ensuring date night is a special indulgence. If you eat out on a regular basis, choose restaurants that have healthy options.

3. Go for a walk together at night

I love to do this with my partner every evening after dinner. We walk, which allows our food to digest, and have time away from our phones and technology to just be together

4. Movies and dinners are not the only romantic things that you can do together

Try some other romantic activities that involve movement – yoga together on a Sunday morning, a walk in nature or a swim at the beach are all great ways to get active together.

5. Stick up for yourself

If your partner tries to make you eat things you don’t naturally love – your partner needs to understand and respect this.

6. Remember to tune into your appetite

I believe we can eat anything – just in small amounts. Stop when you are full; there is more food coming later.