Rainy days are one of the most challenging seasons when choosing footwear that can withstand the weather conditions. As Arabic sandals are known for their craftsmanship, they are considered stylish and a perfect, comfortable choice by many. When it comes to the rainy season, there is always a question: would it help throughout the season, and would it go with water damage? Explore the tips for waterproofing Arabic sandals and enhancing their resistance in the rainy season.
Understanding Arabic Sandals
One needs to understand the making of Arabic sandals before diving into the knowledge of waterproofing. The materials and construction of such sandals are made perfectly, showing a perfect club of purity and elegance. When you try to understand the making, the leather used in making Arabic sandals is high quality. The structure defines its breathability and is styled in a vulnerable manner that works with water damage.
Leather plays a crucial role in making Arabic sandals, and it is known for its durability and comfort. There are also many benefits to using leather-made footwear, as it can blend with the size of your feet and easily absorb water in the long run. When one uses untreated leather, it causes a state of discomfort by absorbing water.
Waterproofing Arabic Sandals
If you want to choose Arabic sandals, you must know how they should be waterproofed. They should be suitable for use during the rainy season without any issues. Here are some measures that you can take to make your sandals waterproof and enhance their resistance.
Waterproofing Sprays
One of the suggested ways to waterproof sandals is to use waterproof sprays. This is convenient and also an effective choice. When you use this spray, your sandals have waterproofing that creates a water-repellent barrier. Eventually, it prevents the sandals from soaking up water.
How To Use
- Dirt and dust should be removed, and you should thoroughly clean the sandals.
- Hold the spray can away from sandals for at least 6-8 inches.
- Apply evenly throughout the sandals, covering all areas.
- Before wearing them, let the sandals completely dry.
Tips: Before choosing any sprays, it is advised to look for the suitability and specially designed to coat leather.
Wax Based Treatments
When used, wax acts completely as a repellent. It creates a shield-like structure around the sandals, which prevents water from entering them. It is one of the most effective methods known for waterproofing leather sandals. It makes the sandals a water-resistant layer and durable enough to withstand the rainy season.
How To Use
- Clean your sandals thoroughly and let them completely dry.
- Apply a layer of wax entirely around the sandals (Use a brush or a soft cloth)
- Rub it in a circular motion so that the wax is evenly applied.
- Let the wax dry, and later, clean the excess added wax with a clean cloth.
Tips: Use leather wax only designed for footwear.
DIY Solutions For Waterproofing
Not all go for expensive solutions, so here are some DIYs that you can try to make at home. These simple solutions can be a game changer and help make the Farada Mens Arabic sandals last long.
Beeswax And Coconut Oil
- Mix Beeswax and coconut oil in the same quantity.
- Microwave it until it becomes a perfect layer.
- Use a soft cloth to apply the melted mixture on the sandals.
- Let the sandals dry up completely
- Use a clean cloth to remove any excess applied.
Tips: It is one of the water-resistant barreled ideas that can be only applied on leather sandals or any footwear that is made of leather.
Maintaining Throughout the Weather
It is very important to maintain the sandals throughout the weather, even after waterproofing them, so that they can stay for longer periods and in good condition. Learn the maintenance tips here.
Regular Cleaning
You should always clean your Arabic sandals every day to avoid dirt or dust. This will be effective for the entire waterproofing treatment. Use a damp cloth and shampoo to clean the leather sandals and let them dry overnight. You can also opt for the specially made Farada cleaning spray that throws away entire dirt completely.
Reapplying Waterproofing
The waterproofing layer can wash off with time, especially when used regularly. To maintain a protection layer, it is suggested to apply the waterproofing solution every few days or months, depending on the need.
Avoid Prolonged Exposure.
If you are unsure about heavy rains, avoid wearing it on that day and choose an alternative. Waterproofing solutions can help your sandals withstand occasional rains. You should avoid very wet conditions and save them for drier days.
Waterproofing is one of the ideal solutions when using Arabic sandals. Yes, it is one of the primary ones you couldn’t wait to wear in all seasons, but Arabic sandals are not meant for using it in wet conditions, specifically known as non-waterproof or water-resistant footwear. You can give a protection layer by applying waterproof solutions at intervals to extend its lifespan. If you spend more time out during rainy seasons or are exposed to prolonged wet conditions, the best option is suitable footwear. You can enjoy Arabic sandals throughout the year with proper care and precautionary measures.