Building a successful modeling career is not easy. You need to go to dozens of castings, work a lot, and visit many different countries to become a professional model. What are the most common difficulties of models? Let’s find out the truth in this post.
The Need to Combine Working and Learning
Most professional models are young ladies who are forced to work and study at college at the same time. They don’t even have a minute of free time to hang out with friends or watch movies on Netflix. That’s all because they are overloaded with the responsibilities covered in their modeling contract and tons of academic assignments they need to complete within the shortest terms to continue learning.
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Unstable Income
All models have ups and downs during their careers. However, they are forced to visit hundreds of castings every year, work a lot, and take part in thousands of photo sessions. The incomes of models depend on the number of signed contracts and the events they take part in. The model world has incredibly high competition, so it might often appear to be incredibly difficult to get the contract of your dreams. Models need to work hard, develop their skills, and hit new niches to meet the needs of the highly demanding market. Visit the Jooble website and find your dream job offer for a fashion model
The Need to Keep In Perfect Shape
The model’s appearance is usually her business card. Therefore, professional models should constantly take care of their faces and body to have a perfect look. Moreover, it is often necessary to follow a strict diet to keep fit. This often appears to be incredibly stressful for many people.
Models also need to constantly visit numerous beauty procedures, such as peeling and depilation that might make you feel uncomfortable.

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Harsh Critics
The modeling niche is very dynamic, but it has another serious drawback. Many modeling recruiters are forced to choose a couple of models from hundreds or even thousands of candidates. Many of them are often harsh and biting. It is a common thing for a model to hear that he or she is fat and ugly. If you want to try your efforts in the modeling world, it is vital to have high self-esteem and be exceptionally confident. Otherwise, you might be trampled by the competitors.
It is also worth mentioning that even the most beautiful and perfectly shaped people often face extreme criticism from the recruiters. For some people, harsh criticism is nothing to it, but for others, it might appear to be extremely offensive.
Severe Muscle Pain
There is nothing new that catwalk models are forced to walk long distances on high heels. This rule is working not only for fashion weeks but also for the run-through. Sometimes, models spend up to 12 hours walking in high heels. Of course, it is never good for the legs and back. Many models suffer from severe back and feet pain because of such extreme pressure.
Moreover, in some cases, models need to wear shoes of a much smaller size than their actual size is. This causes foot deformation and serious issues with posture.
Extreme Stress Levels
The modeling job is incredibly stressful. First, models often face casting refusals that might harm their self-esteem. Second, many professionals in this field are very shy and reserved, which makes having photo shots or hitting a catwalk amazingly stressful. Many models also take part in public events that are visited by hundreds of celebrities and influential people.
Unfortunately, many models become addicts because of anxiety, depression, and chronic fatigue. Many professionals end their careers with a bunch of serious health conditions, as well as alcohol and drug abuse that helps them cope with extreme stress levels.
The life of a model is not easy. You need to work hard days and nights (often in extreme conditions), face dozens of refusals from modeling scouts and harsh critics, have a strict diet, and suffer from muscle pain. Furthermore, the incomes of models are not stable – getting a job is often a challenge because of the high competition in the field. However, if you dream of becoming a world-famous model, it is never a bad idea to try. Take a risk, make sure you meet the modeling standards and have good luck!