In the fashion industry, there has been a constant debate about whether or not models should be encouraged to fit into society’s standards of beauty by going under the knife. Over the past few years, there has been a growing interest in cosmetic surgery among aspiring models. Here is how popular cosmetic surgery is in the modeling industry.
The Cosmetic Surgery Industry
According to experts in the cosmetic surgery industry, like Dallas plastic surgeons, these days more people are opting for surgical procedures than ever before. According to experts in the cosmetic surgery industry, these days more people are opting for surgical procedures than ever before. One major reason is that most cosmetic surgery including dermal fillers are very safe now. So, while some choose to go under the knife to look better or improve their health, others do so in order to make a career breakthrough. This fact is especially true when it comes to the modeling industry. With the right image and a photogenic face and body, even someone with average looks can grab a modeling contract or become famous overnight.
In the modeling industry, tummy tuck cosmetic surgery is often sought after to achieve a toned and sculpted abdomen, enhancing overall body contours.

In fact, there have been many examples of how modelling agencies have turned down potentially lucrative contracts because an aspiring model was not attractive enough. Perhaps the most famous case is that of Claudia Schiffer, who was rejected by 16 different modelling agencies before she finally got her first contract.
There are other models out there whose careers really took off only after they had undergone cosmetic surgery procedures. One such example is Katie Price, whose newly acquired bust made her an overnight star when she became famous for her bust-enhancing procedure.
And certainly, it’s not just models who are willing to go under the knife in order to make a career breakthrough. Actresses and other celebrities across the globe have gone in for cosmetic surgery in order to enhance their looks so they can get more film roles or become more popular among members of the opposite sex.
Learn more about plastic reconstructive surgery, Dr. Michael Godin a professional in the field, is known for his expertise in both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. He has been helping people achieve their desired aesthetic goals through a wide range of surgical procedures such as breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, liposuction, and many more.

Number Of Models Who Have Had Cosmetic Surgery
According to the figures released, one in five models has admitted that she or he has gone under the surgeon’s scalpel in an effort to improve their chances of landing a lucrative career with a popular fashion house. The statistics were revealed by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), which is a trade association consisting of more than 500 plastic surgeons. According to Dr. Des Riches, president of BAAPS, cosmetic surgery has become an important aspect for models and other celebrities who depend on their looks as their main source of income.
So according to the BAAPS, the last few years have witnessed a marked rise in the number of patients who have come through plastic surgery departments because they want to change their looks so that they can model for a living. More than 45,000 people underwent aesthetic surgery procedures over a 12-month period – and one-fifth of them were models who were looking to enhance their looks.
Also, the statistics showed that the number of male patients in aesthetic surgery departments in Britain was also on the rise. The figures revealed that men made up an estimated 15 percent of all cosmetic surgery patients, which is double the figure recorded five years ago (7 percent).
Dr Faramerz Dabhoiwala, a consultant plastic surgeon at the Wellington Hospital in London, agrees with Riches’ conclusion. He said that modelling was becoming more popular among women and men of all ages. Dabhoiwala added that this trend had led to an increase in the number of people seeking aesthetic surgery procedures in order to enhance their physical features so that they could look good when they were photographed or appeared on television screens.
It’s Not Just Models Who Are Willing To Go Under The Knife For Cosmetic Surgery Procedures
It’s not just models who are willing to go through plastic surgery in order to enhance their looks. Regular people such as housewives and businessmen are now also willing to go under the knife in order to enhance their looks.
The fact of the matter is that more and more people are now looking for cosmetic procedures in order to enhance their physical features. According to the statistics released by plastic surgeons across Europe, there has been an increase in the demand for various cosmetic surgery procedures over the last few years.
Dr Dabhoiwala said that part of the reason why cosmetic surgery was becoming more popular among men was that they were now being allowed to have breast reduction procedures are done on them, which are usually restricted to women because they can cause significant medical problems if performed incorrectly. Another reason why more men are now willing to go under the surgeon’s knife for cosmetic surgery procedures is that there is an increase in the number of professions where looks matter. For instance, success as a male model depends largely on how good you look, which means that those who want to do well in the industry may be tempted to undergo procedures where they can enhance their looks.
There are also those people who simply want to feel better about themselves, and they do so by going under the surgeon’s knife. Even women from wealthy families have been known to go through elective cosmetic surgery procedures in order to ensure that they look good for their entire lives. In fact, the statistics showed that Britain’s most famous women such as Princess Mary and Sophie Rhys-Jones had undergone cosmetic procedures in order to enhance their looks.

Another reason why more people are now willing to go under the surgeon’s knife is that they are getting better results from several cosmetic procedures. Procedures such as facelifts have gotten much better over the years, which means that there is less chance of complications during and after surgery. As a result, people are now more likely to have cosmetic procedures done on them because they are comfortable with the fact that their surgeons are well-experienced in doing so.
A report called “Body of Evidence”, which was published by the Centre for Appearance Research (CAR) at the University of West England, Bristol revealed that more than 3.5 million people around the world have cosmetic surgery each year and this figure will rise to as many as 10 million.
The report added that the cosmetic surgery market was worth as much as $8.2 billion a year and it continued to grow.
In short, cosmetic surgery is a fairly common practice among models and other celebrities these days. They know that to make it big in showbiz or modelling, they have to look their best at all times – which is why more of them are willing to take the plunge and go under the knife. Also, it’s not just models and celebrities who are going under the knife. More and more people from all walks of life are getting plastic surgery done in order to enhance their natural looks.