Despite the effort in taking caring for your locks, health can play a part in texture changes, volume, and even color changes. It is one of the many resources people must look to for a variety of imbalances. 

Hair generally is manipulated through cutting, coloring, spraying, shampooing, straightening, and moisturizing. Any number of styling techniques express a unique story at the start of each day. It is a defining feature that can let people in on a person’s mood for that particular moment. In one scenario, it might be springy curls, and in another, pin straight. 

Common Hair Issues and Potential Causes

Your mane puts up with a lot in how people choose to style, wash, condition, color, and so much more. But potential hormone changes as age progress contributes to many issues. A lot of variables come into play as far as texture and volume, even color. Let us check out a few common problems here.

Hair Thinning 

If you notice a substantial loss of volume or see more strands coming out in your brush or the shower, there could potentially be an internal imbalance. Some common causes for this issue include the following:

  • Stress: Cortisol levels in the body increase when a person has a heightened anxiety level. This throws other hormones off balance within the body. 
  • Diet for An Aged Individual: As age progresses, particularly with women who go through menopause, hormones affect thinning follicles. It is essential to pay attention to foods in your diet. This includes any that are rich in copper, proteins, selenium, and L-lysine, which are known to impact the absorption of zinc and iron.

Engaging in meditation is an ideal way to break away from some of the stressors common in today’s society. This can help you focus more on self-care. Collagen is awesome for the skin, nails, hair. Bone broth is rich in the substance, but this supports all cells, including building up the kidneys. Find top methods for delivering a naturally healthy mane at Times of India.

Coarse or Dry Locks

Typically, when you run your hand through coarse, brittle hair, you will run into tangles or knots compared to soft, silky strands that slides right through with no issue. What causes this:

  • Heat on High: If you use a hairdryer on the hot setting, you want to keep it far away from your locks to prevent damage. The ideal to dry is to wrap it in a towel instead of using a hairdryer. This will allow your hair to retain some of the moisture through the drying process. If you blow dry, you must maintain up to a 10 cm arm length and keep the dryer moving. Do not stay in one area longer than 30 seconds or 15 for super-hot devices. 
  • Washing Too Much: Shampooing not only removes dirt build-ups from product use, but it strips out the natural oils or sebum that creates the shine. The recommendation is to skip at least one wash every other day to maintain some of those oils. 
  • Bleaching Process: If you hope to remove the color, bleach causes the strands to swell to get to the innermost shaft and eliminate the melanin. Melanin is the component that provides the natural pigment. Your strands will become rough if you employ low-quality products and do not condition.
  • Coloring Treatments:  Chemical colors strip the natural oil from the locks, creating a stiff texture that is not as effortless as these natural oils.

The suggestion, especially where bleaching or dye jobs are an issue, is to wear a hat to prevent further damage from the sun. You can further soothe the strands with rice water. After cooking rice, research suggests a compound known as “inositol” heals damages from the internal to the outside. 

Oils are another great solution to add softness. Especially olive oil massaged from the root to the end of each lock. For best results, let it soak for up to 15 minutes. The ingredients in this staple are emollients for the softness factor. Check this to learn how to tell if your hair is damaged. 

How to Repair Damaged Hair

Once you figure out the underlying reason, there are lots of things you can do to repair your damaged hair. You can see this page to learn how to repair damaged hair quickly and bring your shiny, beautiful hair like how it was before the damage. Unfortunately for dry locks, the answer could be cutting your lock and starting over. Here are some few tips that you can use: 

  1. Oils – these are wonderful and most used way to repair damaged hair. Oils keep it from frizzing and give protection from elements. Egg oil, coconut oil, argan oil, Moroccan oil and jojoba oil are the most common ones that most people use for restoring damaged hair.
  2. Growth products – hair thinning, as mentioned earlier, is also a problem that needs fixing. Growth products, such Keranique, are very helpful to thicken and strengthen your hair.
  1. Moisturizer / Conditioner – use applicable moisturizer or conditioner every after shampoo. They have anti-static and lubricating elements.

If you are not over-processing the follicles and participating in healthy techniques, many times damages relate to an underlying health issue that needs correcting. If that is the case, you need to watch your diet, your level of stress, and try to manage these with a doctor’s guidance. 

Women, particularly, need to watch hormone levels if experiencing instances of loss or thinning. In some cases, it might be a matter of merely making a few minor lifestyle changes that not only help the issue with your locks but contribute to benefits in other areas of your physicality. 

Our hair has a definitive effect on how we present ourselves to the world. We use it to express our mood and define our style on any given day to the people around us, but often your mane will clue you into something happening in the body. You need to pay attention. 

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