Sure we all want a dazzling white smile that can light up a room, but what about the underlying health of our teeth. Realistically, without taking steps to ensure the long-term health of your teeth and gums, you run the risk of cavities, discoloration, toothache, receding gums or even tooth loss. Therefore, if you want a beautiful smile that will stand the test of time, there are some simple habits you can use to protect your teeth and gums for the future. 

What Does It Take to Have That Perfectly White Smile?

Have Regular Dental Check-Ups

As a general rule, you should attempt to schedule a check-up with your dentist once every six months. When you go in for a routine examination, a dental professional will be able to pick up on any signs of tooth decay early, which is one of the best ways to prevent it from worsening.  

In addition to the check-up, you will also likely be able to see a dental hygienist when you visit. They will give your teeth a deep clean, removing any plaque or tartar that you cannot get with regular brushing and flossing.  Also, you can try cosmetic dentistry in Irvine to enhance the appearance of your smile. Some treatments include crowns, veneers, and dental bonding.

How often you need to see a dentist can vary depending on various factors, like your age, historical health issues or the overall quality of your dental health. You should consult with your dentist to determine what the ideal schedule is for you. 

If you are yet to find a Dentist in Brisbane, take a look here to find high-quality dental healthcare in the area. 

Don’t Brush Too Hard

Almost everyone knows that we should brush our teeth twice a day to remove plaque and harmful bacteria that can lead to tooth decay. However, it is less widely known that there are downsides to brushing if you are not using the proper technique. 

When you brush your teeth, you should move the brush’s head in a small, circular pattern, taking care to clean each tooth’s front, back, and top. Overall, you should spend about two to three minutes twice a day cleaning your teeth.

It would help if you avoided vigorous and aggressive sawing motions, as using too much force while brushing can strip the enamel from the surface of teeth. Additionally, aggressive brushing can harm your gums, leading to receding gums and tooth sensitivity. 

Counteract this by using the correct brushing technique and by finding a brush with soft bristles. Softer bristles cause less enamel erosion, but you should also be careful to replace the brush every three months or so.

Floss Every Day

Flossing is an excellent way to remove the hard-to-reach plaque and bacteria from between your teeth. While brushing will get your teeth relatively clean, there are some areas a toothbrush cannot reach, so you should build a habit of flossing once a day, every day. 

Not only can this prevent tooth decay by removing harmful bacteria from between your teeth, but it can also lead to better breath. When you eat, particulate food matter gets lodged in gaps in your teeth. This can contribute to bad breath if it is not regularly cleaned out. 

Most Brisbane city dentists recommend that you push the floss between teeth and down to the gum line, pressing the floss to the side of teeth as you go. Moving the floss up and down along the side of teeth will help you reach any particulate food, plaque or bacteria. 

6 Simple Ways To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

Try Mouthwash 

Many people skip mouthwash altogether because there is scepticism over its efficacy. While mouthwash will not provide long-term health benefits on its own, it is an essential part of any successful tooth-care regime. 

Mouthwash functions in three ways to improve oral hygiene. Firstly, it reduces acidity in the mouth, which is useful for preventing tooth decay. It also reaches parts of the mouth that are inaccessible with a brush or floss. Finally, it can re-mineralize teeth, increasing their strength and resilience. 

While using mouthwash is probably not the essential part of tooth care, it is a valuable tool in conjunction with brushing and flossing to promote long-term health. 

Avoid Fizzy Drinks

One of the best things you can do to promote oral hygiene is to ditch the fizzy drinks and consume more water instead, Brisbane Kids Dentist Dr Soha Sharif says.

Not only are fizzy drinks generally full of sugar, which can lead to the growth of bacteria in the mouth, but their acidity and carbonation also negatively impact teeth. Generally, fizzy drinks are highly acidic, which can lead to the erosion of enamel. Carbonation can accelerate this process, causing damage to your teeth. Water is the best thing you can drink for your oral hygiene. It won’t contribute to tooth decay since it is more or less inert. Additionally, it can help wash away any sugars or acidity in the mouth present after eating. 

In summary, developing a healthy tooth-care regime can help prevent the need for expensive and painful treatments further down the line. Taking adequate care when cleaning your teeth and regularly visiting the dentist can prevent tooth decay, cavities and even tooth loss.