Models are the epitome of aesthetic beauty in our society, often showcasing features that are considered classically attractive or trendsetting. For them, maintaining a certain look can be an essential aspect of their career.

Dermal fillers have become a staple in the toolbox of non-invasive cosmetic procedures available to modelst to achieve this. They offer a way to get immediate, albeit temporary, cosmetic enhancements that can be tailored to suit the individual’s facial structure and aesthetic goals.

Whether it’s for adding volume to the lips, sculpting the cheekbones, or smoothing out fine lines, dermal fillers provide models with a way to preserve or enhance their marketability without the downtime and risks associated with surgery.

In this article we fill you in (pun intended) on the trends of dermal fillers.

When Did Dermal Fillers Become a Trend?

Dermal fillers started to gain popularity in the beauty and model industry in the early 2000s. The desire for non-invasive procedures that offered natural-looking enhancements without the need for surgery was a game-changer. Since then, the evolution of filler formulations and techniques have revolutionized the field, with celebrities and models openly discussing their use and thus destigmatizing cosmetic treatments.

Their rise has been influenced by the celebrated ‘baby face’ look – characterized by full cheeks, a smooth complexion, and plump lips – which fillers can help emulate. As facial trends have shifted and technology has advanced, these treatments have remained a constant, growing more refined and accessible over the years.

The Role of Social Media

Social media definitelly amplified the trend of dermal fillers, especially among younger audiences (gen-z) aspiring to the beauty standards set by influencers and models.

Platforms like Instagram and TikTok have become showcases for ‘ideal‘ facial features, often enhanced by fillers. The visual nature of these platforms, where images and videos dominate, places a high emphasis on appearance, fueling the desire for cosmetic enhancements.

The Role of Celebrity Endorsements

While many celebrities prefer to keep their cosmetic procedures private, several have been open about their use of dermal fillers, influencing public perception and beauty trends. Here are a few examples:

  1. Kylie Jenner: One of the most notable figures in recent years, Kylie Jenner, has openly discussed using lip fillers, significantly impacting the popularity of lip enhancement treatments.
  2. Kim Kardashian: Known for her influence in the beauty industry, Kim Kardashian has been open about using fillers as part of her beauty regimen, further popularizing the treatment.
  3. Chrissy Teigen: Model and television personality Chrissy Teigen has shared her experiences with cosmetic procedures, including the use of fillers, contributing to their mainstream acceptance.
  4. Khloé Kardashian: Another member of the Kardashian family, Khloé, has also spoken about her use of fillers, influencing her wide fan base.

The Science Behind Dermal Fillers (from HA to PLLA)

There’s a significant amount of research and medical expertise that has gone into developing dermal fillers to ensure they are safe, effective, and capable of delivering the desired aesthetic results.

The main dermal fillers can be categorized into three verticals, namely:

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Hyaluronic acid, a sugar molecule naturally found in the skin, helps to keep it hydrated and voluminous. When used as a filler, it not only adds volume but also draws water to the skin’s surface, giving a fresh and supple look. Models often opt for hyal uronic acidE fillers as they offer reversible and customizable results that can last for several months to a year, making them a perfect choice for a fast-paced, image-conscious industry.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite Fillers

Calcium hydroxylapatite, found naturally in bones, is heavier and typically used for deeper wrinkles and facial contouring. It supports collagen production, which is essential for skin strength and elasticity. As the filler is biocompatible and biodegradable, it is safely absorbed by the body over time. The long-lasting results make it a favored choice for models who need consistency in their appearance without frequent touch-ups.

Poly-L-lactic Acid Fillers

Poly-L-lactic acid fillers are known as “collagen stimulators” because they work over time to restore facial volume. For models looking for more gradual changes, these fillers can be ideal. The results of poly-L-lactic acid treatments can last up to two years, but they require patience as the full effect builds up over several months.

These three are the go-to options in the world of dermal fillers, each with their unique attributes that cater to different cosmetic needs and preferences.You can order authentic dermal fillers at reputable online retailers or specialized vendors.

Can Dermal Fillers Be Dissolved? If So, How?

In the event that a model, or any other client, is dissatisfied with the outcome of a filler procedure or encounters complications, certain types of fillers can indeed be dissolved.

Hyaluronic acid fillers come with this particular advantage as they can be broken down by an enzyme called hyaluronidase. This enzyme can be injected into the treated area to accelerate the degradation of hyaluronic acid, effectively reversing the filler’s effects.

“As a dermatologist, I assure my patients that the journey with dermal fillers doesn’t have to be a permanent commitment. With hyaluronic acid fillers, we have the unique ability to reverse the procedure with the administration of hyaluronidase, an enzyme that safely dissolves the filler, giving my patients the peace of mind and control over their aesthetic choices.” says Dr. Alyssa Müller, a Board-Certified Dermatologist and Cosmetic Surgeon from Germany.

This safety measure allows models greater control over their aesthetic decisions, making hyaluronic acid fillers a relatively low-risk option.

Why Models Should Go for Dermal Fillers and Not Cosmetic Surgery

While cosmetic surgery, such as a facelift, can offer permanent modifications, it comes with extended downtime, higher costs, and potential risks that can permanently alter appearance.

Dermal fillers, on the other hand, provide a non-surgical solution to enhance facial features with a lot lless risk of complications. The temporary nature of fillers allows models to adapt their appearance according to varying roles and trends. Additionally, the reversible aspect ensures that they can always ‘undo’ the treatment if the results aren’t as expected, which is paramount in a career where appearance can significantly impact opportunities.

Wrapping Up

For models, maintaining a competitive edge often involves looking their best, and dermal fillers offer a flexible, relatively safe means to refine their features. With the various types of fillers available, combined with the ability to dissolve certain kinds, savvy models can strategically use them to align with the dynamic standards of the industry.