You may have heard that massage can help you get rid of excess fat. Although it sounds implausible, here is evidence that massage can help you in your fight against excess weight.

This issue becomes especially relevant in the summer, when everyone goes on vacation closer to the sea and the sun to feel confident on the beaches. One of the popular vacation destinations of recent years is the UAE and its luxurious resorts with spas. If you are lucky enough to be there, be sure to check out Armonia spa in Dubai and you won’t regret it.

We are only going to talk about manual massage. In which the masseur can affect various muscle groups, tendons, ligaments, joints, various internal organs, etc.

1. Blood circulation is improved

The circulatory system or cardiovascular system carries nutrients and oxygen and delivers them to all the cells in the body. The circulatory system consists of the heart and the blood vessels that run throughout the body. Arteries carry blood away from the heart; veins, on the other hand, bring blood back. Massage helps activate the circulatory system, which helps blood reach every vital organ.

Massage also increases the metabolism between the cells of various tissues and the blood, which helps keep cellular metabolism functioning. Thus, if blood flow is increased, more nutrients reach the body’s vital organs, allowing them to function properly.

2. Muscle tone is improved

If you exercise, massage can help relax and revitalize tired muscles. Recovery between workouts will be twice as fast as usual. Massage also improves the elasticity and strength of muscle fibers, which will allow you to avoid injuries and sprains. Sometimes massage is called “sport for the lazy”. Because it helps to improve muscle tone without exercise.

3. Reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer

Fat tissue is made up of cells called adipocytes. Interesting fact: in an adult, the number of fat cells is constant and does not increase, only the cell size changes. Scientific studies have confirmed the fact that if you regularly massage an area that has excessive fat accumulation, the fat cells in that area begin to decrease in size.

BUT massage alone will not cope with this problem, it is necessary to follow a proper diet and exercise.

4. Metabolism is improved

Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions in the body that are necessary to sustain life. Work, stress and everyday problems, can directly affect the metabolic rate. And if the right steps are not taken in time, it can lead to gaining excess weight.

Massage helps to speed up the process of chemical reactions in the body. The process of intracellular fat breakdown is faster, which allows you to lose those extra pounds faster.

5. Reduces cellulite and removes toxins from the body

Cellulite is a cosmetic skin defect that can occur in people of any weight. But it most often affects women and is caused by the deterioration of the lymphatic system and the circulatory system. Massage improves the functioning of these systems, thus helping to fight cellulite.

The circulatory system helps the body to get rid of toxins through the urinary tract and kidneys. When blood circulation is improved, the elimination of toxins is boosted. The accumulation of toxins is one of the reasons for gaining excess weight. Therefore, getting rid of toxins will make it easier for you to lose excess weight.

What else you need to know

Massage can do something that neither nutrition nor sports combined can do: start the regeneration process in the tissues, and exactly where it is needed. Massage has been proven to stimulate collagen production. This helps to reconstruct the collagen skeleton, tightening and firming the skin. One massage session per week is enough to maintain your shape. This regimen will suit most people. We can say that it is both the minimum and optimal amount at the same time. If a person leads a very active lifestyle, trains a lot, the loads border or exceed their maximum resources, it is better to walk more often. For such people, massage becomes an integral and life-saving measure. Some may need a restorative (gentle but firm) treatment after almost every workout.