Meet the Healthy Harlequin, the new superhero living in NYC. 

Her mission is to get you on a path to living a kick-ass life, with rocket-fueled workouts and tasty treats.



I know what you’re thinking: “Whoa, what a chore!”

Not so. I’m approaching life in a brand new way.

Let’s take the emphasis off  ‘the task’ and tackle the topics of food, beauty and fitness by rediscovering the joys of life – including the joy of cooking and the joy of movement.

How do we go about doing that?

Just enter my universe. You’ll see what was once a drag, is now an adventure.

You’ll not only learn super healthy, affordable and tasty recipes in the kitchen – but also simple workout moves that will keep you in tip top shape.



Instagram: @healthyharlequin

Twitter: HarlequinHealth