There are lots of ideas for farmhouse kitchen designs if you plan on doing some remodeling for your kitchen. One thing about farmhouse kitchen designs is that they are unique and will give your home a traditional look. You can mix up different ideas to create your unique design. Here’s how you can create a farmhouse design for your kitchen:

Kitchen Countertops

You can choose a wooden countertop for your farmhouse kitchen if you want a traditional look. Wood is great and would last long. Even when it is getting old, it only adds more to the vintage look. Wood is quite cheaper than other countertop options like stone or even solid surfaces. You can also use it as a butcher block when you have to cut something, and it would still be as stylish as ever.

Farmhouse Sink

You can’t have a farmhouse kitchen without a farmhouse sink. When getting the sink, you have several options. You can either go for stainless steel or even cast iron. Most people like the white porcelain sink because it is attractive. Farmhouse sinks also known as apron front sinks will help you make space for your kitchen work. Whatever the design you pick, these sinks are known for their aesthetic, spaciousness, and durability. You can visit this website to see a wide selection of farmhouse sinks with varying designs and prices.

Kitchen Accessories

You will also need to compliment your kitchen with several accessories. You can choose to go vintage by displaying antique vases or use large wooden bowls. Farmhouse kitchens usually have a display of white dishes and you can even make some beautiful display cabinets. You can also try out some wall art that is kitchen-themed. You can also have some hanging handles where you can hang your pans and even a wall rack for your plates.

Kitchen Cabinets

When making cabinets for your farmhouse kitchen, you can do a color combo. Mixing colors bring life to your kitchen and makes it feel comfortable. You can also stick with the traditional storage cabinets depending on which you prefer. Or you can make upper cabinets or simply replace them with shelves. Some people prefer open shelves to display their beautiful collections or kitchenware.


For a bit of personal touch, you can make your farmhouse kitchen unique by using vintage-style lighting. You have lots of options when choosing lights and you don’t have to go for expensive lighting. Pendant lights will make great lighting for your farmhouse kitchen.

Paint Walls 

Even if you choose to use wood for your farmhouse kitchen, you will still need to paint it to make it appealing. You can transform your farmhouse kitchen by using pretty shades of paint. It would be great to use muted colors of blue, green, or even yellow.

Wooden Flooring

Hardwood floors will add to the appeal of your farmhouse kitchen. It also makes it feel welcoming and comfortable. You can have the wood polished and painted to make it more beautiful. You can also use other types of flooring if you don’t want to use wood.

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