Your body is the greatest tool you’ll ever own. If looked after correctly, it’ll give you the energy and mobility you need to meet life head-on and live a long and happy life. However, it’s worth remembering the key point of that sentence, which is: if looked after correctly. Your body has the capacity to be at its brilliant best, but you’re the one who needs to make it happen.

Happily, we humans have gotten pretty good at figuring out what our bodies need and how to support them. Make sure you’re ticking all the boxes outlined below, and your body will thank you.

Move It

It’d be great if you could just sit on the couch all day and still be healthy, but that’s not possible. For your body — and mind — to be at its best, you’ll need to be working up a sweat on a regular basis. Studies have repeatedly shown that adults who engage in strenuous activity multiple times a week are significantly healthier than those who do not. Plus, there’s a clear link between exercise and mental well-being, so not only will you be giving your body what it needs, but you’ll also just be happier.

Invest in Rest

For some people, getting off the couch and moving is a challenge. For others, getting onto the couch is the difficult part. We live in a culture that celebrates the grind mindset, but even if you don’t subscribe to that philosophy, you probably still have a lot on your plate. After all, working hours and commute times are longer than ever. Your mind can’t work all hours of the day, and your body can’t, either. It’s deeply important to invest in relaxation; your body simply can’t thrive without it. By taking relaxing breaks and ensuring you have a great sleep routine, you can ensure that you always have the energy to tackle the day.

Listen to your body. If it’s telling you it’s tired/not at its best, then give it the rest it needs.

Watch What You Consume

You wouldn’t put grease into your car and expect it to run well. The same principle applies to your body. You can help your body massively just by eating well and watching what you consume. If you eat vegetables, take vitamins to help in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and other important functions, and generally avoid eating/drinking products that you know are good for you, you’ll be giving your body the best possible chance to be at its best. Also, it perhaps goes without saying, but absolutely avoid tobacco products and limit the amount of alcohol you consume; they cause havoc for your body.

Work With Professionals

There’s much you can do on your own accord to help your body, but unless you’ve been specifically trained, you can’t do everything. Working with professionals when you have an issue can keep your body in tip-top condition, so look at building relationships with important experts such as chiropractors, knee experts, and general doctors.