When it comes to starting out in your adult life, it often means choosing the right path at college. Whether you know what you want to do for your career or not, your college years can often be some of the best of your life. From making life-long friends to learning new things to preparing yourself for the future, college is such a key stage in your life. But how can you make sure that you’re ready for it? Let’s take a look at some of the most important things you can do to prepare for your first year in college.

The Collegiate World

If you’re a little bit nervous about applying to college or heading off for the first time, it may help you to focus on some of the benefits of diving right in. It’s natural to be apprehensive – college is a big change. But it also comes with a huge amount of greatness. From building lasting friendships to indulging in incredible extracurriculars, and developing your knowledge to enjoying important life experiences, it’s something that you should feel proud and excited about.

Here’s what you can do to make that happen.

1. Do Your Research

It’s safe to say that preparing to start college begins long before your first day! It can often start years before – but it will always begin before your senior year of high school commences at the very least. If you haven’t had your college choice picked out for years already, you’ll want to make sure that you start off doing your research. It’s important for you to feel comfortable at the college you choose – and that it will enable not only the kind of learning experience that you want, but the career you currently have in mind too.

2. Make the Right Choice

From here, you’re then going to want to make sure that you have chosen the right school (and courses) for you! This is a huge part of feeling prepared for your first year – you want to make sure that you’re excited and looking forward to getting started. Consult with your parents and make a decision based on what feels right for you – even if it means going with something that isn’t what you first expected!

3. Visit the College

You’ll also want to make sure that you’ve actually seen and been to the college of your choice too! This can help you to calm any pre-jitters you may be experiencing. Ideally, you’ll do tours before you decide, but if you don’t make sure you book in for a campus tour to acquaint yourself and help you to settle in way ahead of time.

4. Connect With Other Students

From here, you also have the option of connecting with other students too. If you know that you’d like to try to connect with other students who will be in your dorm or in the same classes as you, looking to connect with them online before you get there can help. But at the same time, you can also look to be friendly as soon as you get there to try and form bonds early on.

5. Get Everything You Need

Then you’re going to want to think about getting everything you need to pack for college. Referring to an extension college checklist can help you here. From your school books and any athletic equipment to sheets, study materials, and anything to style your room the way you’d like it, it’s important to prepare, purchase, and pack as early as possible to make sure that you’re not missing anything!

6. Get Settled in Early

When the time comes for you to move to college, you’re going to want to try and settle yourself in as quickly and as early as you can. It’s safe to say that you won’t always feel at home right off the bat, buy you’ll want to do your best to climatize yourself and push through that initial burst of homesickness – as it will get better.

7. Choose Your Sorority

If you want to be part of the Greek system in your school, this is something that you might want to research ahead of time. It could be that you want to look into the different sororities and decide which is right for you. Then, you can prepare for Rush Week. You’ll want to know what is required of you as well as look for appropriate sorority dresses for the week too. That way, you can look to get settled right in if you’re chosen.

8. Choose Your Extracurriculars

Alongside this, don’t forget to think about the extracurriculars you’d like to do too. Being in college isn’t all about work – you get to enjoy being there too. From partaking in different sports to joining different societies, you get to explore your interests, have fun, and create a meaningful experience while you’re at it!

9. Get Ahead on Your Classes

From here, you may find that you also want to look to get ahead in your classes too. Being prepared for your classes can help you to reduce any anxiety that you feel around be ready for the academic side of things. Going to college can be quite the change – even if you feel ready and excited. So making sure that you’ve started your reading and you’re familiar with your professors and what they’re likely to cover can make you feel more at ease.

Final Thoughts: A Model First Year at College

When it comes to starting college, you may find that it feels a little daunting. But it needn’t do! In fact, when you’re fully prepared, you’re more than likely going to find yourself very excited for what’s to come. Over the summer, make sure that you get ahead on your class reading and create your list of everything to buy – you can even think about connecting with other future students too. Then it’s all about settling in during your first semester and really looking to maximize on the experience you have! Best of luck for your very first year!