Becoming a model and having a successful career is a challenge in itself but one of the biggest challenges faced by models is making sure they maintain their look for a long time. As you get older, Mother Nature isn’t as gracious as she once was, which is why you should be doing everything you can in order to encourage your skin and looks to remain as youthful as possible.

With that being said, if you’re a model or simply looking to take care of your looks as you get older, here are some helpful tips that might help you.

Protect Your Skin with SPF

SPF is something that you should be wearing on a daily basis and not just when the sun is shining. The sun is always out so even if it looks cloudy or there’s no sunshine in sight, those UV rays from the sun are still shining down.

Therefore, it’s important that you’re doing everything possible to keep your skin protected. A light SPF is perfect for the autumn and winter months but as soon as the sun starts shining, you should be ramping up the SPF factor as high as possible.

Not only that but you should be applying it regularly so that it tops up the protective barrier all over your body.

UV rays are damaging to the skin and it’s why tanning beds should also be avoided. While it might be relatively harmless to have the odd one, regular use is going to damage the skin and weather the skin, as well as potentially causing further harm in the form of skin cancer.

Exercise Regularly to Keep Skin Toned

Exercise is a good one because it can help to keep your skin tight. The more you work out, especially with weighted workouts, the more you’re going to help keep that loose skin tight and taught.

Sagging skin comes with old age but if you’re doing a good balance of cardio and weight workouts, then you should see a noticeable difference. Consider targeted weight exercises on areas where sagging skin often becomes a problem in older age. This is usually under the arms, the tights, and the stomach.

Exercising daily is going to be great not only for your skin but for your general health too. Everyone should be doing at least twenty to forty-five minutes of exercise a day where possible.

Take Collagen Supplements for Plump Skin

As you get older, collagen is produced less within the body and that’s a problem because when there’s less collagen in the body, there’s less elasticity and buoyance in the skin. That means the skin sags more and it can look less plump in general.

That’s why it’s a good idea to start taking collagen supplements to maintain that plump skin. Many will take it in the form of a tablet but there are also collagen drinks that you can get if you’re looking to improve the appearance of your skin and digest it in other ways.

Thankfully, the beauty and wellness industry is thriving which is why there are so many different variants of collagen available. It’s well worth seeing what’s out there as a supplementary boost for your skin.

Consider Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery isn’t always for the faint of heart but nowadays there’s so much on the market that it can cater to those who are willing to go under the knife or would rather it be a non-invasive treatment with similar or the same results.

When considering cosmetic surgery, it’s always a good idea to know what options are available, along with the aftercare required and the downtime that some procedures require. Not only that but you should think about the cost and price plans available for plastic surgery.

The reputation of the surgeon and the clinic you attend is also something to research carefully and identify testimonials and previous patient reviews to ensure they’re the best pick for you.

Stay Hydrated for that Glowy Skin

Hydration is important for the skin and when you’re hydrating the skin, you’re helping hydrate and keep the skin glowy. That’s important as a model because you want to have a healthy and vibrant base to work with when it comes to stylists and makeup artists.

When you’re trying to keep your skin hydrated and glowy, you should aim to drink around a liter or two a day. This should be more on days when you’re losing a lot of moisture through sweaty activities like exercise or sunbathing!

Drinking that amount of water each day can be challenging, so it might be worth building up to it so that you’re not shocking your body too much with such large volumes of water.

Moisturize Daily All Over Your Body

Moisturizing is a good way to lock in the moisture that your body has and that you put into it. While most people will simply moisturize their face for the most part, the rest of the body needs that same attention too.

Of course, moisturizing your whole body every day can be a challenge not just because it takes so much time to do so but it can be costly on the amount of moisturizer you’ll need.

If you can commit to doing it once a week though or every time you step out of the shower or bath, then it can make a noticeable difference.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is something that you’ll want to get plenty of as you get older because when it comes to ‘getting your beauty sleep’ there’s definitely some truth in it. The longer you sleep, the more it will benefit your skin and body.

After all, you need sleep in order to repair your body and reenergize it for the following day. If you’re only getting so many hours of sleep per night, let’s say four or five hours at a time, then this is definitely going to impact your health and well-being.

With fewer hours of sleep every night, it’ll show mainly on your face. Whether that’s under eyes or just tired skin in general. The more sleep you can get, the better.

Limit Alcohol and Caffeine Intake

Limiting your alcohol and caffeine intake is definitely something that can be helpful when you’re trying to look and feel better about yourself. Limiting alcohol and caffeine intake is not only great for the skin but it’s going to improve your energy levels and how well you feel in your body.

While caffeine is great for that temporary boost of energy, it’s only temporary and it can also stain your teeth, which will be an important part of your model look.

Alcohol can dry out the skin and it can speed up the signs of aging over time if you’re drinking a lot of it.

Quit Any Bad Habits

Finally, try to quit any bad habits that you have when it comes to taking care of your model looks. Quitting bad habits like smoking for example can be a great way of saving your skin from the permanent and damaging effects that smoke brings to the body.

The skin can yellow from smoking too much and it can speed up the age of your skin, making you look older than you actually are. Bad habits can be hard to break but if you’re resilient and sted-fast, then you should be able to break that habit in time.

Taking care of your model looks is important if you want to continue the success of your career, so use these tips to help ensure that your model looks for longer.