No matter how professional you are, how mentally strong you are, or how focused you are on a daily basis, sooner or later you’ll feel a little stressed or frayed at the edges. This happens to everyone. What matters is how you deal with it.

But not everyone has the chance to sleep for eight hours and relax to feel their best again. We all have responsibilities, be that staying at work, looking after our children, or being stuck in a commute. So, are there ways to feel calmer, fresher, and more focused when needed?

In this post, we’ll offer five options that may help you do just that:

Take A Freshing-Up Break

It’s easy to feel a little uncomfortable after a long day working, which is why freshening breaks can be great. The best is a face mist spray such Brave that can rejuvenate you and help you feel more grounded. You could also splash water on your face, touch up your skincare or brush your teeth – even a fresh pair of socks can be more comfortable.

Exercise Or Stretch

Moving your body, even for just a few minutes, can really turn things around when you’re feeling low and lethargic. You don’t need a gym or special equipment either. A quick walk around the office or building or up and down some stairs can get your blood flowing and clear your head, while stretching with resistance bands (if you have the space for them) can make a big difference too.

Eat Some Fruit

An apple, banana, or handful of berries can satisfy your hunger and brighten your mood. The act of eating something healthy can also make you feel good about taking care of yourself instead of resting on a quick snack you feel bad about later. They have vitamins and minerals, sugars to keep you alert, and mindful eating can also be meditative.


Anyone can meditate at any time, but it’s a skill to learn. Find a quiet spot if you can, but don’t worry if it’s not perfect. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus on the sensation of breathing in and out, preferably at an anchor point of your nostrils to discourage mouth breathing while you’re seated. About five minutes of gentle focus, returning to that anchor point if your thoughts lead off, can make a massive difference in how alert you feel.

Fresh Air & Deep Breathing

Spending hours inside, even with good AC and ventilation, can be a little “compressing” to the spirit. Sometimes, the simplest solutions are the most effective. Stepping outside for a breath of fresh air can work wonders for your mood and energy levels and help you feel more alive. The change of scenery, even if it’s just your garden or the pavement outside your office, can help you remove that “screen fatigue” sense of shattered focus you might have had otherwise.

With this advice, you’ll be sure to feel calmer, fresher and more focused in the best possible way.