By Carrie – OnOption Blog
I’m not sure why they call Los Angeles the “City of Angels”. It’s a lot like those vans that lure kids in with candy- they look really good at the time, until you’re in the van, when I’m not sure exactly what happens… but I’m assuming its not a chocolate party! I know my last blog was quite dramatic and about my two day trip to Colombia, so I thought I’d rewind and share a bit of what I had been doing in the mini van- LA.
It was pretty lonely in the model house. I was trapped in a building with no car and no phone reception- a modern girls worst nightmare! (Also, this isn’t Rapnuzel, I wasn’t “literally” trapped.) I spent nearly 3 weeks there attempting to go to castings miles away, relying on friends and my feet. Work wasn’t as easy as I had hoped for and in a rather desperate attempt to make the most of it, being mostly alone, I spent my time test shooting and learning new, extremely important and helpful life skills!
I got the amazing opportunity to shoot with ex-model and serious photography rockstar Matthew Guion. The location was spectacular. The views, more stunning than anything I had seen, and the photos…well see for yourself:
Needless to say, I’m pretty happy with how they turned out. I have never shot anything like it before.
With no car to get around, and living in an apartment downtown (that only had badass activities on tuesdays, like bingo- my favorite game in the world) I had to spend my time doing something productive. Enter LIFE SKILLS via Youtube. Oh yes! Important life skill NO. 1. Chinese finger trap assembly. I taught myself how to make chinese finger traps aka finger prisons. They are much simpler than I thought, but they can be used in a multitude of situations such as love- when your children are fighting or arguing, slip on the finger traps and lock them together, the more traps the better and wallah… Kumbaya! They can be used for self control in food situations. When you’ve already eaten half of the box of pizza, and still think it’s okay to eat more, bring out the finger traps. Example below
Needless to say I was rather bored in LA and even though there was no chocolate party, I had a lot of fun with my imagination… something we tend to lose as we age. I hope that you all stay young and stay fun. Just because you’re another year older doesn’t mean the life and adventure has to be sucked out of you. It’s okay to be weird. I’d rather be weird than boring.

The Birth


Did i mention he’s lush?

Bring your friend to work day!