Making it as a male model can be pretty tricky. There is a lot of competition, and modeling is one of the few industries where women are the dominant sex. That being said, modern advantages can make it easier, from gaining online exposure to using modern cameras for practice.

Stay in Peak Physical Fitness

There is a lot more access to people with disabilities and body issues in modeling today than there has ever been. That being said, it is still pretty low. And even anything over a size ten is considered plus size in the industry. For women, it may be a case of losing weight, but men’s health plays a bigger role. Muscular, lean, and vitality-looking men are almost always wanted, so you need to exercise, eat right, and tone up the way you look for some of the bigger jobs.

Making It as a Male Model with Online Exposure

Sending out images of yourself is still a core part of landing at least a good agency, and you can also take your chances sending directly to fashion houses. But today, you have some advantages, such as social media and personal blogs. You can use both of these to document your life, show your physique, and convey the right attitude. These offer more than the standard headshots because they allow a potential recruiter to see who you are before making a decision.

Find Good Agency Representation

Of course, you will have a very hard time without representation in the modeling and fashion industry. This is because agencies are like the gateway between recruiters and yourself, and some won’t even deal with you unless you are on an agency’s books. Not all agencies are the same, and some will take advantage of you. So before signing anything, research the agency and look for reviews. It should be easy to track their record and verify their credentials.

Learn to Take Quality Pictures of Yourself

Photography isn’t necessary when modeling, as you won’t be the one taking pictures. But it is a big advantage to learn how to take images of yourself. It can help you learn how it all works and develop a new skill. But it can also help you get comfortable having your picture taken:

  • Invest in a good quality DSLR camera, a tripod, and some lighting equipment.
  • Take many, many pictures with different lighting and angles to find your good side.
  • Take full body shots as well as headshots, and learn to pose like a professional.
  • Always look directly into the lens and take variations of smiling and not smiling.
  • Pay attention to cosmetics such as makeup, hair, and teeth, as well as what you wear.

An entry-level DSLR like a Canon Rebel (EOS 4000D in the UK) is good enough for home-based images. But you will need a tripod as well. Good DSLR cameras have automatic settings for taking pictures of people, nature, etc., so you don’t really need to learn the exposure triangle.

Lose the Dominant Personality

Confidence is a great thing to have in the fashion world, and it is encouraged. But there is a fine line between that and arrogance. This can lead to becoming a dominant personality when you get work, which is the wrong attitude to have in fashion. Women, and indeed other men, deserve professional courtesy and respect in a highly vulnerable job. The industry has its issues, and it doesn’t need someone else adding to the gender and race problems that it faces, even in 2023.

Beware Vice when Making It as a Male Model

Modeling is glamorous, and models are known for working hard and partying harder. A report at NIH states that 35% of models reported substance abuse alongside eating disorders. From diet pills to hard drugs like cocaine, there are problems within the industry. It takes a strong will to say no, but that’s all it takes. If you don’t feel like something is going right, then walk away from the situation. You may lose a job, even though it’s unlikely, but there’s no price on your health.

Understand You May be Too Old

One of the worst things you may face is the realization that you may be too old to model the way you want. But that doesn’t mean you can’t. There are modeling jobs for all ages, even though catwalk modeling does cater to younger people. But there us an industry for older guys in modeling. That being said, the competition may be even harder if you are new because it is likely jobs will go to more experienced models who worked the catwalks wen they were younger.


Staying fit, healthy, and lean helps when trying to make it as a make model. You can use your camera to get comfy with it and learn your angles, but it can be hard to find work when older.