By Rebecca Siggers
A model is the queen of the glamour world. She represents beauty, style, elegance and poise.
Being a model, even when you’re not working, you’re still the face of fashion, even more so now with the rise of social media. So it’s important to invest a little time and energy before stepping out of the house. Take one last look at yourself in the mirror before you start your day. You are your own stylist.
The follow, are 6 tips to help you look presentable everyday.
Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle
A model should always follow a healthy lifestyle. It’s important to eat clean, stay active and keep hydrated. This is not only to maintain a good body inside, but also to outside – ensuring healthy glowing skin and shiny hair. A healthy body always looks presentable.
Only if you are fit will you be able to carry off anything that you wear and always look fabulous.
Personal Hygiene
Never be too lazy to skip the few essentials that should be done everyday.
Pay attention to your oral health. Make sure to brush your teeth before going to bed and before stepping out to start your day. Using a floss and mouthwash will keep any sort of dental problems at bay. Always carry a mint in your bag as well!
The condition of your nails and toenails can give you away. Your nails should always be clean. No matter the length, you should keep them filed with some fresh nail paint on. You should also keep your feet clean.
Go for regular mani- pedi to keep your hands and feet in perfect condition. This not only looks attractive but is also a sign of good hygiene.
Hair Care
Invest time in improving the quality of your hair. Look up DIY hair masks and use them regularly. You can also go to the salon for hair treatments too.
Brushing your hair before stepping out of the house and making sure it’s detangled before you go to sleep is important too. Perhaps learn a few hairstyles which would suit your face. Remember that your hair plays an important role in your overall look.
Your Clothes
You need not dress up fancy every time you head out. Just ensure you wear what suits your body and looks chic in public.
Your clothes should be always be clean. Also check if you need to steam them in case they are wrinkled. Even if you decide to wear joggers one day, it’s okay as long as you don’t just take them out of a huge clothing pile, all wrinkly and smelly.
Makeup Is Magic
Yes there are days when we all want to leave the house makeup free. But we all know that the face looks much better with even a hint of makeup to even out the skin tone.
You can use nude-natural colours which will only add a little colour on your face. It’s more needed for days you are sleep deprived or not feeling your best.
The World Is Your Stage
Don’t let yourself look un-smart even when you are off duty. Just because you aren’t around cameras doesn’t mean that you let yourself go. To look graceful is an art which is mastered by models perfectly.
Be your best, hold your posture right and walk elegantly. Being a model, you have the ability to look presentable every time, which surely sets you apart from the rest of the world.