By Jessica Sepel – The Healthy Life

Premenstrual syndrome, known more commonly as PMS, can be used to describe a broad range of symptoms related to the menstrual cycle. These symptoms can be emotional or physical, and can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. In any case, if you’re a woman who’s had her period, there’s a good chance you’ve experienced some of the negative effects of PMS – trust me, I get you.

PMS can effect each of us differently. Common symptoms include: acne, fatigue, irritability, bloating, confusion, mood swings, breast tenderness, fluid retention, cravings, anxiety and weight gain.

The good news is that with a few nutritional and lifestyle changes, PMS symptoms can be relieved!


Here are my top tips to help you the next time PMS symptoms knocks you out:

1. No dairy before and during your period. I also recommend swapping to organic versions of dairy when you do eat it. I love organic Greek yoghurt. People seem to have less hormonal issues with organic dairy compared to conventional.

2. No refined sugar at all. I also suggest to be cautious with your fruit intake too – I recommend 2 fruits a day and preferably low sugar versions. See the jshealth eating guide for sugar alternatives and low sugar fruits.

3. Vitamins (under guidance of a health practitioner) B6, magnesium citrate or dyglicinate and primrose oil/fish oil. These can really help!

4. No more than 1 coffee/day – caffeine can really trigger PMS and period pain/cramps. Avoid adding milk to your coffee. Try and do almond/coconut milk instead.

5. Ensure you get enough essential fatty acids in your diet – oily fish, walnuts, seeds, fish oil supplements, flaxseeds, olive oil, eggs, dark leafy greens.

6. Alcohol. My suggestion is to not drink before and during your period. Keep alcohol to a treat on the weekends and my golden rule is no more than 2 drinks at a time.