Some people feel squeamish about going to a sex shop to get what they want, others don’t like the selection in their area, but just like with anything else – shopping online for sex toys is becoming more and more popular. However, before you proceed to checkout on your next order, there are some reasons why you should look at online reviews before buying sex toys.
1. Discretion
No matter how open you are about your preferences, chances are you don’t want the entire neighborhood to know what you like to play with exactly. Looking at online reviews can help you learn if the shop you’re buying from practices discreet shipping or not. The last thing you want is for the toy to be sent to your home in one of those blue “this side up” packages right when the kids are supposed to be coming back from school. By reading reviews, you can learn just how discreet they are – do they package the toy inconspicuously, but leave the shop’s name on the box? Do they ship in a plain brown box with no indication of what’s inside? These are important things to consider before making your purchase, especially if you live someplace where it isn’t as open as others.
2. Quality And Safety
Just like anything else, sex toys come with instructions for use and care, but it’s hard to tell if you’re getting genuine products or not, especially when you buy online. A lot of people rely on reviews written by other customers before they make their final purchases, so they can discover if the product is of high quality and safe for use as directed. You don’t want to find out something isn’t really water-resistant the hard way. Other things you’ll find out from reading reviews include whether or not the product is made from safe materials, if it works as expected, and if there are any defects that could cause injury. Of course, there are some toys that you can afford to be cheap on since they’re more for decoration and a bit of fun, but with others, especially ones that penetrate or provide electrical stimuli, you need to make sure they’re designed and constructed right.
3. Value For Money
Toy prices vary basically depending on things like the materials used in making them, the manufacturer, and country of origin, but there are other ways sellers can charge what they do. Sometimes what you see isn’t really what you get, and sometimes you end up paying more for a product because it has a certain reputation rather than its quality or usefulness. In other words, you want to make sure what you’re getting is worth the hype – and money – and not just some cheap knock-off before you make your purchase. This is where reading reviews comes in handy because you can read what other people experienced with the product – how it feels, the quality of materials used if it works as described. By reading these things first hand, rather than relying on advertisements or hype, you give yourself a much better idea of whether this is the toy you want to gamble on.
4. Reputation
You definitely want to know that the toy shop you’re planning on buying from is reputable and reliable. Again, for this reason, it’s important to go read reviews and find out what other customers have to say about the quality of the sex toys they’ve received, as well as what kind of service they received from the shop. If you like what you read and the shop looks reliable, make your order online. If not, keep searching until you find a better option. How fast do they deliver the goods, are there any common problems associated with shopping at their online store, how do they respond to issues and problems? Do they have good customer service? Sending the wrong thing can happen to anyone, and sometimes things happen that are outside their control when it comes to delivery times. However, you want to make sure those are the exceptions and not the rule, and that they always handle any issues professionally and quickly.
5. Return Policy
When ordering online, you’re pretty much at the mercy of what you read without actually seeing or feeling the product firsthand. This is where return policies come in. Depending on the toy, some shops restrict how often you can make returns (it’s usually more than once), while others won’t take anything back for any reason. If there are conditions on their policy – like you need to be able to provide proof of purchase or the toy needs to still be in its original packaging – make sure you read them before buying. Now, company policies aside, reading the reviews can tell you if they really work with you to resolve any issues you have. They may not accept returns for certain reasons, but do they make it necessarily hard for you? It’s impossible for companies to please everyone all of the time, but if they seem like they’re trying and do actually work with you when there are problems, that can speak volumes.
Reading reviews for online shopping is essential. It’s important to know what other people are saying about the products you’re interested in buying since they’re not only more reliable than advertisements or hype, but they can even give you tips on how to use or care for the product. Who knows? You might even learn about some new things that aren’t even mentioned in the description! If you want to learn quality sex toys, you can visit