By Stylist Jenni Sellan

Looking good and feeling great are indeed more than skin deep, and a good dose of cleansing will certainly assist in the process. The same applies to our wardrobes.

For some, the thought of entering our closet is deterrent enough on its own and it’s one of those jobs that’s easily put off until we have more hours in the day, shed the last of the kilos  or have tripped over our stilettos for the very last time. Risk of injury is eminent.

To complete the process of editing, cleansing and organising your wardrobe is just that, a process, so lets take it one step at a time and start from the beginning.

My motto? Be prepared.

1. Make a date with your wardrobe. 
Depending on the state of your wardrobe it can take anywhere from two hours to two days so be realistic and create an appropriate amount of time.

2. Pull together your tool kit.
Dijanna Mulhearn, author of wardrobe 101, has done the ground work and provided a complete list of essentials required to get you started.

The garbage variety will do; one for items that you will either donate or sell; one for items that need throwing away.

Storage Boxes.
For pieces that you won’t need until next season or for those that you just can’t  bring yourself to part with

Cleaning tools.
So you can attend to minor issues on the go and a warm bucket of soapy water to clean those walls.

Those that will be suitable for storing accessories, scarves and hosiery etc

Quality coat hangers.
There will be no place in this new space for wire hangers

Scented draw sachets and liners

Acid free paper.
For wrapping items that are to be stored in boxes & if you live in humid climates, moisture absorbing containers to control mould. Sad but true

Congratulations, You have just taken the first step to achieving a wardrobe that is nothing less than chic .

Keep an eye out for the next instalment where the real fun begins…

Get ready to edit. xo
time to cleanse