Custom jewelry is a wonderful way to showcase your personality and story through metal and stone. You get to wear something deeply personal every day and feel comforted by its presence on your body. You can then pass the piece on to future generations in the hope they will get the same joy from it. One of the best ways to design custom pieces like this is with a signet ring. Here are some tips to get you started.

Why Choose A Signet Ring?

Signet rings come and go in fashion because of their reputation. For some, they are seen as overstated pieces for male wearers that are more for show than anything meaningful. However, this doesn’t have to be the case at all. While you will find plenty of older men wearing oversized signet rings to showcase their wealth and authority, you’ll also find plenty of younger people of all genders taking advantage of signet rings online and what they can offer. These rings are stunning when carefully designed. They can be elegant pieces with deep meaning that are passed down through generations. It all depends on the size of the ring, the materials used to make it, and – most importantly – the design.

The Actual Design On The Ring

1) Heraldry

This is the most important factor of all when designing the perfect signet ring. Within reason, you can have pretty much anything you want on the face of this ring. It just needs to fit within the dimensions of the ring and still look great. There are all kinds of ways you can go with these rings, and there’s no wrong answer as long as you can find a skilled craftsperson to make it. You could go down the old-fashioned route with crests and heraldry. These rings are popular ways to honour family heritage. While some may see them as status symbols and a way of showing off, others create beautiful, low-key pieces that are perfect for passing on to future generations. We’re past the days of using chunky signet rings for wax stamps – although it might be time for craft-loving younger generations to bring that back.

2) Initials

If a family crest is a little too showy or you want something related to your immediate family, you can always get your signet ring engraved with initials instead. Elegant, intertwined initials allow for an interesting alternative to wedding bands. Spouses can wear these bold rings on their wedding ring finger and have a permanent and beautiful symbol of their relationship. Of course, these rings aren’t just for one gender, which broadens their appeal further. Traditionally, these rings were for men because they were so large, while women wore daintier rings with diamonds and other stones. Today, there are plenty of women who aren’t looking dainty or feminine and want that bolder statement. A carefully-sized signet ring with these initials could be just what they need. There are also those who are non-binary or gender non-conforming who deserve a beautiful ring for their special day.

3) Other Meaningful Designs

When you work with the best signet ring makers who are open to custom designs, the sky should be the limit. If you have something specific in mind you want to wear as a ring, a good craftsperson should be able to make that happen. For example, there may be an animal or bird that’s deeply symbolic to you, such as a fox, owl, or swan. It could be a Welsh Dragon or three English Lions. It doesn’t matter what the reason is for wearing it. If it brings you joy and comfort to have that creature on a ring. The same goes for any other emblem. Maybe your family has a strong maritime history, and an anchor would be a great symbol to pass down.

Choosing The Right Materials For The Ring

The design on the ring is just the start when creating a beautiful piece of art for your finger. You also have to consider the material. The metal on the main body and band of the ring can make a massive difference to its final look. Some people automatically turn to gold because it’s seen as the most opulent and traditional option for signet rings. This can look amazing with the right design. However, you don’t have to go for gold if it doesn’t suit you. Many of us are more naturally drawn to the colder tones of silver and platinum because of the way they shine and accentuate certain stones. You can use either in signet rings to allow for a more personalized design.

Another option to consider is the use of gemstones. These pieces act as the base for engravings and other embellishments when designing these rings. They’re then set into the metal of your choice. A gemstone centre can look amazing with the right tone and design. Beautiful blue stones marry well with silver and platinum for those elegant initial engravings and certain symbols. More firey tones against gold provide a more powerful statement. These gemstone bases also offer a nod to those wax seal rings of the past. There are different stones and approaches you can use, so be sure to ask your signet ring maker about them when designing your ring.

Create A Stunning Signet Ring Your Family Will Love

There’s a lot to consider when designing the perfect signet ring for your family. So, it’s important to take your time and do your research. If you want to be traditional, make sure you have the right image for your family heraldry and choose the best materials to show it off. If you want something more custom, think about the different stone centres and the way those will accentuate the image chosen. If you want to go for the sentimental initial option, why not talk to your partner about creating a matching set? Whatever you go for, find a ring maker that will discuss all your options, listen to your needs, and deliver something future generations will wear with pride.