How’s your bank account looking? Is your emergency savings funded? What about your credit card debt? Have you thought about saving for retirement? Do all of these questions remind you that things are tight and that you are barely holding your head above water? You’re not alone. People are struggling. Worse, the financial advice out there sucks. It’s condescending and out-of-touch reality. So here’s some advice you can use right now. Check out these seven tips for better financial security.

1. Use & Stack Rewards Apps

How many apps are installed on your phone right now? You probably have apps for messaging, scrolling social media, playing games, etc. You may even have this app for dating. Are you using apps to save and earn money?

Rewards apps are immensely popular. You may have a few installed on your phone, but are you getting the most out of them? 

When you use these apps these apps the right way, you can earn rewards, discounts, and even cash back. The trick is to remember two words – max and stack.

Max Your Rewards Apps

This is simply taking advantage of every opportunity to earn rewards or save money. You want to get the max out of each app. Start by learning how the app works so you know what you need to do to get the most out of it. Let’s say you have a loyalty card for your local grocery store. Every time you buy groceries, you have the cashier scan the QR code on your phone to collect your points, or you enter your phone number. 

That’s a great start, but there may be more ways for you save/earn more. You might be able to:

  • Double up on points when shopping on certain days of the week
  • Clip digital coupons
  • Add a payment method to the app to earn a percentage back on your purchases

Stack Your Rewards Apps

Use rewards apps together to get the most out of these savings and rewards programs. Let’s take a trip back to the grocery store. Here’s how you might be able to stack apps.

Before You Go!

Open up Shopkicks and Ibotta. You do have those installed, right? Look up your grocery store and see if there are special offers on any items you need this month. Of course, you’ve already set up your payment methods to get cash back or rewards when you shop. Now, open up the Upside app. Find your grocery store and see what the offer is. You could earn as much as 20% back! That’s like having a coupon for every item you buy.

At The Store

Keep apps like Ibotta and Shopkick open. Be sure you’ve given the apps any permissions they need. You can turn these off later if you prefer. But, these and other grocery apps will give rewards points for scanning items, or even just walking in the door. You can also use them to verify that you are picking the right products for rewards or points.

Checking Out

Remind the cashier that you have a loyalty app. If you have connected your debit or credit card to your apps, be sure to use it to make your payment. Finally, ask for a printed receipt and keep it neatly in your purse or wallet!

At Home

Did you know that there are companies that will reward you for sharing your shopping information with them? All you have to do is scan your receipts or take pictures of them. It’s that simple. Some will pay even more if you take a few minutes to answer some simple questions. Check out:

  • Fetch
  • NCP Consumer Panel
  • Receipt Hog
  • Checkout 51

Some people keep a spreadsheet to track the apps they are using, the points or cash they’ve accumulated, and when they want to cash out.

2. Stay in to Socialize

Normalize things like potlucks, barbecues, garden parties, and cocktail hours. They can be as casual or fancy as you want, and are almost always cheaper than going out. You’ll save money and so will your friends.

Think of it this way. If you are feeling the financial crunch, so are your friends. Be the one to suggest an alternative to going out to the club. Suggest a game night. Offer to cook and serve a main course if your pals will bring the wine and dessert. You may get some pushback at first, but at least some of your pals will be happy to stop bleeding money.

3. Side Gig The Smart Way 

Yeah, side hustle culture sucks. People should be able to meet their own needs with just one job. Sadly, that’s not the reality. Worse, people often end up exhausted and with less money because they get stuck in exploitative side gigs. The key is to find a side gig that’s worthwhile.

First, be discerning. Do you live in a busy city and drive a fuel-efficient car? Then delivery apps might be perfect for you. That’s not the case if you live in the country and drive a gas guzzler. What about your time? You might have a better time grabbing some shifts at a local convenience store rather than driving across town to earn just 50 cents more per hour.

Think beyond your second paycheck. There are other benefits to having a side gig. Some companies offer great benefits to part-time employees that include 401K matching, tuition reimbursement, and even health benefits! Your part-time gig could give you a chance to save for retirement, go back to school, and get decent health coverage.

Finally, be flexible and make your side gig work for you. It’s all about balance. There are little things you can do to earn a bit of money that don’t always involve spending several hours a night delivering food or working a part time gig. 

If you just need a little money to cover a bill or fund a hobby, consider things you can do at home. You can earn money taking online surveys through Prolific, Survey Junkie, Crowdtap, Mturk, or YouGov. Some people do microtasks and other jobs through sites like Clickworkers or 

4. Embrace Free or Cheap Entertainment

You don’t have to spend money to have fun. There are things you can do to get out, socialize, and enjoy yourself that don’t cost much at all. Try:

  • Free outdoor concerts
  • Book clubs and game nights at your local library
  • Discounted days at local museums
  • Free streaming apps like Tubi or Pluto
  • Hiking or disc golf at local parks

5. Make Your Own Food And Coffee

Despite what certain financial “gurus” say, your coffee and fast food habits aren’t the reasons you can’t afford a house. But, they are an expense you can cut out of your budget. You will save some money that can go towards savings or debt reduction.

Do you drink coffee regularly? Invest in a good coffee maker and a coffee grinder. Even if you buy good good beans, gourmet coffee creamers, and flavored syrups you’ll save money over the coffee shop. And if you love a leisurely morning drinking coffee and people watching, you’ll have more money in your budget for that too!

6. Automate Your Savings

It’s easier to save money when you don’t see it. Go into your banking app and set a specific amount of cash to go into your savings account each time you get paid. You won’t miss the money. If you have an investment account or high yield savings account (HYSA) you can automatically transfer funds into these as well.

7. Negotiate Your Bills

You can’t negotiate every bill, but you can talk yourself into savings on others. Contact your car insurance company, cell phone provider, and internet company to start. Let them know that money is tight, and you’re interested in any discounts that might be available to you. At first, they might say no. If they do, let them know that you will be shopping for other options. Chances are, they will find a discount. You can also ask to speak with someone in customer retention.

What if they won’t work with you? Then follow through on your word. The truth is that most people save money when they switch insurance carriers, internet providers, and other services.

Take Control of Your Finances

You don’t have to change your entire life or give up everything you enjoy to get ahead. Start by applying just a few of these tips. Then, keep track of the money you save or earn.