Model: @BrittneyDaCosta
Photographer: @Torne.VelkPhotography
You are your body. Your body is freedom.
Human skin is the never changing essence, a symbol of freedom and truth that carries our soul.
The human body in all of its forms is one of the most beautiful creations of nature. From society’s beliefs on beauty it has created barriers within us to love ourselves.

We need to learn not to hide but express.
Skin is an opportunity for thinking in a way that is stripped bare of all given meanings and preconceived forms.
Nude bodies expose bareness of thought and leave us naked with a sense that is always nascent on the surface of the skin, on the surface of the image.
Nude can be presented as vulnerable because of the individual’s perceptions on himself or herself, giving a sense of the ultimate meaning of being.
Nude figures hold a part of themselves back, keeping in reserve the reality of society and social media.
How we express our body is a reflection of our idea about ourselves.
Skin is itself a type of clothing, and stripping away exterior layers of fabric does not lead to grasping the truth. The difference between being clothed and being nude is non existing.
Nudity can show many ways in which one can and cannot be nude, and many ways of being in relation to oneself and to others, clothed and unclothed so having a misconceived idea of beauty can create a “clothes layer” on your skin.