As people become more interested in ancient health remedies, one such product that has been growing in popularity in the UK is shilajit. This tar-like substance has been treasured for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, championed for its impressive array of potential health benefits. This post aims to explore the benefits and uses of shilajit, within the context of its burgeoning interest in the UK..

What is Shilajit?

Shilajit is a sticky resin that originates in the rocks of the Himalayas. Its formation process is slow, takes decades and is a result of decomposition of plant and microbial substances. The end-product is a mineral-rich substance that is used as a staple in traditional medicine across Asia.

Potential Health Benefits of Shilajit

Due to its rich nutrient profile, shilajit is believed to offer various health benefits. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Rich in Fulvic Acid: Shilajit is abundant in fulvic acid, a substance known to facilitate the movement of nutrients into cells. This can help improve your body’s absorption of essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Energy Booster: Traditionally, shilajit was used by mountain-dwellers to improve their stamina at high altitudes. It’s believed to support mitochondrial function, which could help promote energy levels.
  • Anti-Aging Properties: The presence of fulvic acid and other antioxidants in shilajit are said to combat cellular damage and slow down aging processes.
  • Cognitive Health: Some research suggests that shilajit may promote cognitive health and protect against cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s.

How to Use Shilajit


Shilajit can be consumed in various forms, including powders, capsules or as a resin. The traditional Ayurvedic method involves dissolving a small portion in warm, non-chlorinated water, tea or milk and drinking it one to two times a day.

Final Words

The popularity of shilajit in the UK, and worldwide, continues to rise. The potential health benefits of this sticky substance ranges from energy boosting properties to anti-aging possibilities. A reminder though, as with any supplement, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using shilajit, especially for those under medication or with chronic health conditions.