This post was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.

Persuasion is absolutely necessary for any job interview. Although, a little bit of talent can help too. Whether this is your first job in the industry or not, it is natural to feel nervous about the interviewing process. If you have found your absolute dream job with your dream agency, there are a few things you must do to persuade them effectively.

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If you want more information on persuasion and how it can affect your life and future, look into BetterHelp and their articles. 

How to Use Persuasion to Get a Job

#1: Be Confident

If you want to be persuasive, you’ve got to be confident. You can appear confident by making eye contact, having good posture, and talking calmly. Also, calming your nerves with deep breathing and meditation before the interview can help you appear more confident! By doing this, you can walk into the interview with the self-confidence you need. 

#2: Know Your Reasons

When an interviewer asks you, “what do you have to offer” and “why do you want to work for us”, you have to be ready to answer. You should be prepared to highlight your strengths and capabilities. There is no shame in talking yourself up in an interview, as long as you keep it civil and humble. One of the most effective persuasive tools is letting the interviewer know your reasons for desiring this job.

#3: Practice Good Communication

Good communication can be the difference between being employed and unemployed. Even with credentials, if you can not professionally and personally communicate in the industry, it may be detrimental to your career. The majority of persuasion comes from communicating and engaging with others. By developing your communication skills, you can better influence your interviewer and land your dream job! 

#4: Learn How to Listen

If you want to persuade someone that you are the perfect fit, you need to know what they are looking for. Listen intently and courteously. By showing the interviewer your respect and attention, you can better grasp their desires. Use what you’ve heard, and apply it to what you can offer. If you want to be persuasive, listening to their motivations can help you effectively communicate your skills.