Improving your health is indeed simpler than it may seem. Amidst the abundance of information on social media, it’s crucial to understand that the path to better health is clear and within your reach. It’s not as complicated as it’s often made out to be, and with the right guidance, you can make significant strides towards a healthier you.

But in reality, there are important principles you can follow to help you improve your health regardless of your motivation or reason for doing so.

So, whether you want to look fitter and healthier, lose weight, feel better, or simply avoid common health conditions associated with poor health, these small changes can help you get started and reach your goals.


When you sleep, your body performs vital tasks that are essential to help your body recover and repair physically and mentally. You need to get around 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to give your body the necessary downtime to maintain optimal health. It’s not just about diet and exercise; sleep is a crucial pillar of health that should not be overlooked. If improving your health is a top priority, you need to look at your sleeping habits and ensure you get a good quality sleep every night.

If you struggle with sleep, sleeping aids and supplements can help you unwind and get in the right frame of mind. Looking into premium-grade CBD and THC products, as well as Ashawnda, magnesium, lavender, and chamomile, can be helpful for this.


Contrary to what social media might suggest, you don’t need to follow a range of bizarre exercises for optimal health. What you need is a plan that fits into your daily routine and is sustainable in the long run. The key to reaping the most benefits from exercise is to make it a regular part of your lifestyle, not a fleeting trend.

To remove the complexity from your workouts, find something you can realistically stick to, especially if you’re going from nothing to doing something. It can be walking for an extra 20 minutes daily, swimming twice a week, going for bike rides, or hitting the gym 2-3 times per week. What you do is entirely up to you, especially as you start, but build those habits slowly to get you in the right place and give you a solid start to move from.

Eat More Whole Foods

There’s no need to strive for a perfect diet 24/7. This ideal is often set up to make people feel like they’re not doing enough. Instead, focus on gradually increasing the amount of whole, fresh food in your diet and making small, manageable changes that you can stick to. You have the power to make these changes, and they can have a significant impact on your health. Don’t feel the need to eliminate all the foods you enjoy completely. Instead, make simple swaps.

Tips you can follow include:

  • Looking into volume eating and what this means for you and your diet.
  • Try food pairings, e.g., a bit of what you want, e.g., chocolate, with what you need, e.g., protein to fill you up. For example, you could add a small chocolate bar to your Greek yogurt with fruit for a more substantial snack.
  • Increasing protein to help you feel more satiated if you’re always hungry or want to lose weight.
  • Commit to increasing your portions of fruit and vegetables by 1 per day and building up from this.

Start small, make sustainable changes, and watch your health skyrocket.